I think there is something serious going on in between Mr.Jerry Hassan & the writer Vaidehi Sachin. What you think on this after reading below facebook comments ?? Pls share your valuable views.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mr.Jerry Hassan From Pakistan Scared of Vaidehi Sachin
by Unknown
Readers, today I posted an article regarding Criminals on Facebook Friend List: By Vaidehi Sachin AKA Cat Techie, Author of Book Cyber Terror. Just after this, I found that Mr.Jerry Hassan reacted very abnormally. Below is the screenshot taken and logs of the comment posted by him and my response to him. As a blog owner of www.freehacking.net I really don't understand that, when no specific name was mentioned anywhere in the article, then why only Mr.Jerry Hassan responded back in such a non professional manner ?? Is he has really some connection with all the facts mention in the article ??
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