Saturday, May 4, 2013

|| Project IP-Digger v2.0 released by Team Freak Coderz ||

IP Digger is a free pentesting tool for finding the Vulnerable websites on the Particular IP Address Given By the Attacker :) . As it is the first tool of the Freak Coderz first =))
It works perfectly on Backtrack 5 r3 :))

Author :- Manoj Nath ( Silent Hacker ) 

Project Name :- IP-Digger v2.0 
IP-Digger is for the Hackers or we can pentesters or the web admins who want to find the vulnerable websites if they have the Shared hosting. This tool can minimize the risk of getting hacked by finding the Several Vulnerable websites.
For Hackers it is a great tool for finding the vulnerable website in their Target and exploit it and then Easily defacing :)

Tool Name :- IP-Digger v2.0 The Disaster
Coded by :- Manoj Nath aka Silent Hacker ( INDIAN HACKER )
Features of IP - Digger
1) ADVANCE SQLI Vulnerable Website Finder
2) ADVANCEXSS Vulnerable Website Finder
3) ADVANCELFI Vulnerable Website Finder
4) ADVANCERFI Vulnerable Website Finder
5) ADVANCE Admin Panels
6) ADVANCE Upload Vulnerability sites finder
 Joomla and Wordpress website finder
9 BUgs LeeCher section added
Download Link :-
Everyones suggestions will be appreciated :))Regards
Silent Hacker =))